• Address

    28990 Pacific Coast Highway #A 205,
    Malibu, CA 90265 US

  • 28990 Pacific Coast Highway #A 205,
    Malibu, CA 90265 US

Volunteer Past Activities

Volunteer Medical Services

Recent events: Minutes provided upon request

Malibu Chili Cook Off - Community Emergency Response Team  / Friday August 30, 2024 

Rock-N-Roll Marathon Series: San Diego - Medical Captain of Triage Patio   / Sunday June 2, 2024

Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells-La Quinta - Main Medical Doctor / Sunday December 3, 2023

Rock-N-Roll Marathon Series: San Diego - Medical Captain of Triage Patio   / Sunday June 4, 2023

Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells-La Quinta - Main Medical Doctor / Sunday December 4, 2022

Rock-N-Roll Marathon Series: San Diego - Medical Captain of Triage Patio   / Sunday June 5, 2022

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon: Pheonix - Captain Assignment, Course Med Tent 9 @ Full Mile 16.9 &  19.5  /  Sunday January 15, 2022

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon: San Antonio - Triage Patio Captain / Sunday December 5, 2021

Los Angeles Marathon - Medical Tent Position-Finish Line Triage  / Sunday November 7, 2021

Rock-N-Roll Marathon: San Diego - Medical Captain Triage Patio / Sunday October 24, 2021

Camarillo Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K/5K - Medical Provider Triage  / Sunday August 8, 2021 – Boston Qualifier 

Crystal Springs Trail Run Marathon, Ultra Marathon, Half Marathon  50K/35K/8K - Medical Provider Triage  / Sunday July 31, 2021

San Diego Half Marathon, 10K/5K - Medical Provider Triage Finish Line  / Sunday July 18, 2021

Rock-N-Roll Marathon Series: San Diego - Medical Captain of Triage Patio   / Sunday June 2, 2019

Rock-N-Roll Marathon Series: San Diego - Medical Captain Finish Line   / Sunday June 3, 2018

Encinitas Half Marathon – Medical Director (finish line medical tent)   / Sunday March 4, 2018

 Encinitas Half Marathon – Medical Director (finish line medical tent)  / Sunday March 26, 2017

Surfing Madonna Beach Run – Medical Director (finish line medical tent)   / Sunday October 7, 2018

 Surfing Madonna Beach Run – Medical Director (finish line medical tent)   / Sunday November 5, 2017 

Malibu Half Marathon - medictent coverage   / Sunday November 8, 2018

Malibu Half Marathon-medictent coverage   / Sunday November 4, 2019  

Malibu Chili Cook Off - medictent coverage   / August 30, August 31, September 1, and September 2 - 2019 

Anthony John Hall DC DACBSP – Volunteer Medical Services Provider (medictent.com):

Evaluation and management of the varied medical concerns encountered on race day along with the essentials in pre-race planning and preparedness.

The medical team's primary focus is to rapidly identify and care for acute illness, injury or collapse.

Medical personnel will track runners and record medical data to ensure timely updates to families of runners being treated.

Volunteer Medical Staff considerations: Qualified, Availability, Clinical Expertise, Individual State Laws.

There are several organizations to which I follow for the highest standards of preparation and management when it comes to events in which there are large numbers of participants:

  • American College of Sports Medicine
  • American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians
  • International Institute of Race Medicine
  • Boston Marathon
  • American Red Cross
  • Prehospital Emergency Care - Mistovich | Karren | Werman

Pre-Participation Physical Examination "PPE"
(American College of Sports Medicine)
Examiner - Dr. Hall

  • Health and safety of the athlete in training and competition.
  • Identify medical and orthopedic problems placing athlete at risk for injury or illness.
  • Identify correctable problems that may impair athlete's ability to perform.
  • Educate athlete concerning sports, exercise, injuries and health issues.
  • Meet legal and insurance requirements.
  • Best done in medical setting and appropriate privacy.
  • Event PPE with Large # of athletes involved *Format or multiple stations with several health care providers each focusing in their expertise.

Interim Exam annually if required or indicated.


  • Past Medical History
  • Sports Specific History
  • Family History
  • Physical Exam
  • Report of Findings
  • Recommendations/ Referrals if indicated

Proactive Care Classes

  • First Responder (American Red Cross) Certification: First Aid, Child and Adult CPR/AED - Instructor: Dr. Hall
  • Sports Fitness Class/Series: Posture, breathing and biomechanics to prevent injury and increase performance - Instructor: Dr. Hall

Dr. Hall's Contact Information: [email protected]

Anatomy of volunteering -  Marathon Minutes

San Diego Half Marathon, 10K/5K - Sunday July 18, 2021

Volunteer Medical Provider – Anthony Hall DC CCSP (chiropractor w/ CAQ in sports medicine)

Provided information and education to participants at medical tent in front of Expo the day before the race (Saturday July 17, 2021) 6am to 5pm.

  • Volunteer Cheat Sheet in hand, useful check list to provide orientation and answers to questions.
  • Emma, Rosa, Maria, Casey, Kimberly, Monica, Joseph, Susan, Laurie, Keto, Chris and Troy are some of the participant for whom I answered pre-race medical concern questions.
  • Male 36 yo Lumbar disc disease (previously diagnosed) running 4 hrs last Sunday, drove 3 hours to Palm Springs same day… still sore and stiff. Recommend stretching and ice for muscle spasm, if gets painful reduce distance… any neurological stop, see healthcare provider to recommend rehabilitation. Watched come past finish line with wife… looked good.
  • Female 44 yo disc herniation and piriformis muscle very tight right, hx lumbar spine DJD… back very tight, increase with running. Recommend change half marathon to 10K, stop if increasing pain or neurological, follow up with health care provider. Watched her come past finish line, two thumbs up.
  •        Female 26 yo, demonstrate taping knee.
  • Female 63 yo lost 60 pounds medically managed, discussed aid stations set up for course, she asked about carbohydrate and electrolyte intake, H2O intake (discussed over-hydration), discussed re-acclimation after passing finish line.
  • Male 24 yo discussed use of spray and stretch.
  • Male x3 teenagers with questions about knees and ankle.  Discussed, demonstrated and performed lower extremity stretch’s, gait dynamics and foot posture toe claw and heel dip exercises (all three did it). Athlete with medial knee complaint passed me on finish line with good form and no obvious antalgia. Pre-race nutritional preparation questions discussed.
  • Middle aged male and female couple discussed breathing ergonomics.
  • Women group of 3 discussed course elevations’.
  • Female early 30’s request bandage for blister. Provided.
  • Male 20’s, taping high ankle sprain advice.
  • Female medical coverage race orientation.
  • Lost child. Dad and 6 yo boy Michael and 9 yo sister visited me at tent, dad came back panicked 5 minutes later saying lost son. Immediately began searched an enlarging circle 10 ft, 50ft, 200 ft over next 5 minutes asking other race staff if seen. Bottom of elevator leading up to race command station race staff informed me boy was found and was there. Staff said asked what dads name was, boy just said dad, when asked what sisters name was boy gave it (Claire?). Dad walked up at that time with daughter and went up escalator to command to retrieve son.
  • Male race time start.
  • Location start.
  • Couple ankle and knee healthy biomechanics – injury prevention exercises, education and training.
  • Chris 69 yo male ultra-marathon runner, on 81mg asprin, hx coronary aa dis, asked if he carried nitro, suggest he speak with his MD. He said his friend fell running hit his head died two weeks later.
  • Spoke with Dr Ben, vendor at expo, chiropractic neurologist. Special concussion program diagnosis and treatment.
  • 70+ people thanked me for medical coverage.
  • Three different groups of people asked me about race guards.
  • Numerous inquiries into locations of race registration and bib pick up were.
  • Contacted command by radio for complaints of local vagrants disturbing vendors at expo.
  • Loud and unruly behavior by local vagrants understood as part of their individuality and respectfully ignored.
  • 5:45a walked the streets each direction directly leading away from finish line (landing area).
  • Observed post finish line participant landing area preparation offerings of food, drink, seating and grab bag areas.
  • Several people thanked me for medical volunteering.
  • Presentation at finish line medical tent introductions to medical staff doctors x 2 (DO and MD) and 3 assistants. Last minute medical volunteer cheat sheet (different then other one) given to me, very helpful list of supplies. Recommend medical volunteer to organize and oversee medical tent prep before doctors arrive (put out stretchers, chairs and tables.  Unpack boxes of medical supplies and review equipment checklist).
  • Ambulance services and personnel arrival introductions, established locations and preparations observed.
  • 85%+ of time triaging at and immediately in vicinity of finish line. Observation of participants for neurological signs (somatic, cognative, affect) of heat injury, cardiovascular compromise and musculoskeletal complaints.
  • Participants passing me at finish line with signs of possible morbidity observed for next 1 to 10 minutes as exited.
  • Participants with frank signs of morbidity immediately assisted to finish line medical tent where transfer of care to doctor or nurse.
  • Break down of medical tent and debriefing of medical team followed completion of race by last participant to cross finish line.
  • Following breakdown of medical tent, walk about finish line landing area for final observation of participants as disperse after race.
  • Summary report (this document) prepared by volunteer medical provider within 2 weeks following the event. 

2023 IRONMAN 70.3 Indian Wells-La Quinta California. Dr. Hall main medical assignment, diagnosis and management of the more serious conditions. 

RnR 2023  

 rnr 2023

2023 Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Marathon -  main medical Triage Captain, organizing and managing teams of healthcare professionals to care for more serious conditions coming into the main medical staging area.

OC Marathon 2023

2023 Orange County Marathon - Medical Staff

Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells - La Quinta 2022

2022 Ironman 70.3 Indian Well - La Quinta California. Dr. Hall main medical assignment, diagnosis and management of the more serious conditions. Malibu local John A. at the finish line, makes it look like a walk in the park.

Phoenix Docs

2022 Phoenix Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series, Arizona. Captain Assignment, Course Med Tent 9 @ Full Mile 16.9 &  19.5, Dr. Hall with six second year medical school students. We took care of 83 patients in 3.5 hours... with the help of two scribes.

San Antonio mission1

2021 San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series, Texas. Dr. Hall Main Medical triage captain. Helped student volunteers at the finish line differentiate who to wheelchair versus who to walk. Also, took a tour of the 5 missions in the area.

LA Marathon 2

2021 LA Marathon Finish Line - A big thank you to the Hot Runners Volunteers in orange shirts helping people to keep moving after passing finish line, preventing post-exertional collapse.        Dr. Hall was the finish line medical volunteer to evaluate and manage more serious conditions.   


2021 San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon - volunteer main medical triage captain - Dr. Hall... next is the LA Marathon 2021, volunteer medical team USC. 

Camarillo Half Marathon

2021 Camarillo Half Marathon - Dr. Hall finish line medical director and first responder. Mostly small repairs at the body shop and few collapses. 

SD HAlf Marathon

2021 San Diego Half Marathon - Finish Line medical volunteer, Dr. Hall as a first responder.

Crystal Springs Trial Run1 2021  

 Crystal Springs Trail Run2 2021

2021 Crystal Springs Trail Run Ultra-Marathon - cars, cats, broken arms. Dr. Hall medical director and first responder

Contact Us

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My Availability


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm



28990 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite A205
Malibu, CA 90265                                                        Portshead Road and PCH